Worship Message:
Worship Message:
Hallelujah, Lord we bless Your Holy Name. God we need You. Come into our lives, into our hearts, our minds. Use us as You see fit. You are King of kings and Lord of lords and You are welcome to live in us. Be the center of our lives, be our anchor, our refuge, our strength, our guide, our counselor, our Lord and Saviour. Forgive us for our sins, help us to turn away from our wicked ways, prideful ways and selfish ways. Lord You are welcome, move by Your spirit and have Your way.
Sometimes we need to get into a place unashamed before the Lord. We need to confess our sins, our thoughts to Him and let Him do a mighty work within us. We can’t hide anything from Him, He knows all and sees all. He’s so lovingly patient and long suffering that He remains faithful even when we’re not. He remains committed to His word, even when we don’t. He wants a relationship with us but not just any relationship, an intimate relationship, daily conversations, seeking Him first. If He is for you, who can be against you? Let Him in completely. Don’t hide anything from Him. Let Him show you what He can do through you and for you!
Be Blessed,
Relevant Praise Team