Worship Message:
Hallelujah and glory be to God, it’s Worship Wednesday!
This week I pray that you have an intimate encounter with the Lord. To feel the move of God, to bask in His Spirit, it’s indescribable. God is so awesome. His power, His strength, His wisdom, His joy, His love, His protection, His provision, His healing, His deliverance, His will is far better than anything we can imagine. We have a direct line to Him, through the powerful, wonderful, almighty, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus. At the mention of His name, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that He is Lord.
Saturate your atmosphere with praise. There is none greater and there is none other. He is bigger than anything you are dealing with or hoping for. He is bigger than your situation, good or bad. There is a name, that stands alone and above all. There’s something about the name Jesus!!! What are you seeking Him for? He is waiting to hear from you.
Be Blessed!
Relevant Praise Team