Worship Message:
Welcome to Worship Wednesday!
Wow, did you know that our faith can move mountains? In our Bible Study we are learning about “Daring Faith” The Key To Miracles… Pastor Rick Warren states that “the law of faith is higher than the law of nature”. I wanted to share that with you in hopes that you would be encouraged today to keep the Faith and always Trust in The Lord… Remember that when we stand in faith, God opens the doors and allows miracles to happen! With some much uncertainty in the world today, now is the perfect time to exercise our Faith. I’m sure we all have many mountains in our path way… Some of us have too many in fact, and we can’t see which way to go. What are some of those mountains in your life? Do you trust God will move them? I encourage you to stand on your faith and watch God move that mountain! Activate “Daring Faith” and trust in Him to move now! Jesus said… “Have faith in God! If you have faith in God and don’t doubt, you can tell this mountain to get up and jump into the sea, and it will. Everything you ask for in prayer will be yours, if you only have faith.” (Mark 11:22-24 CEV)
I pray that you receive this in love and that this song ministers to your heart, mind & soul. Be Blessed!
Sis. Lisa – Relevant Praise Team