Worship Message:
Hallelujah, it’s Worship Wednesday!
“In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me in earnest, you will find me when you seek me.” – Jeremiah 29-12-13
It’s amazing how through the years, you learn more and more about things that you thought you already knew. Praying for example, is more than just talking to God and hoping that he heard you. Leaving your prayer with him and then looking to see if He will answer. Through the years I have learn that prayer is a constant dialogue with the Lord. Even when reading His word, writing down a vision, getting ready for work, driving to work, preparing for a meeting, etc. The closer I draw the God, the more clearer I can hear Him. He is always available, always ready to draw closer to us as we draw nearer to Him.
Let this be your prayer:
Heavenly Father I bless your name. I magnify You and exalt You high above everything and everyone. Lord forgive me for my sins and iniquities. Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. Lord I want to hear you louder than anything. Pull me close to Your heart dear Lord. I surrender all to you. For those areas that I believe I have surrendered, show me where I am falling short. Reveal to me Lord what I may be inadvertently holding on to that You are asking that I release to You.
Lord I know that You are for me, You love me, and You want what is best for me. Speak to my heart, give me direction, encouragement and confirmation. I know you are constantly speaking Lord. Help me to quiet the noise around me and focus on You. You have always said in Your Word that You’re with me, You’re for me, You have a plan for me and I will never walk alone. Lord, I give you all of the praise and honor due You. I bless Your name and thank You for what You are doing in my life even now. Amen
Be Blessed!
Sis Trina – Relevant Praise Team