Hallelujah, it’s Worship Wednesday!
Many times people get caught up in their past and can’t move forward. We all have a past and all having fallen short. However, because of His forgiveness and redemption, we don’t have to live with shame or guilt anymore. There is no more condemnation. Our past is our testimony to help someone else. We shall overcome by the blood of the lamb and the words of our testimony! One of the many ways that the enemy will paralyze, disable and disarm the people of God, is to put a burden of guilt and shame on them. But the weight of our sin is no longer ours to bear. Our savior, Jesus Christ, took it all. He paid the full price on calvary and the enemy knows that if you ever really grab a hold of that truth, you’ll really be victorious! And here’s the truth in Romans 8:1, the word of God says, “There is therefore now no condemnation for those of us who are in Christ Jesus”. Christ who died, raised to life and made a way for us. There’s no depth, no height, that can separate us from His love. There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus for by His blood we have been redeemed and we have been made free. So Be Free! Be Blessed
Relevant Praise Team