Worship Message:
Hallelujah, Hallelujah let us worship Him!
Can we just take a moment to bless our Wonderful God, Excellent Father, Incredible Master, Magnificent Rule, our Everything! God, You are high and lifted up. You are holy, amazing, marvelous, the One and Only true living God. Lord, we bless You and exalt Your name! We thank you that You have qualified us, You have promoted us, You are getting ready to change the atmosphere, to provide the unthinkable, to pour out Your blessing to bring forth increase like never before. Lord we thank you that we are Yours, we are called according to Your purpose.
We will say what we heard, we will speak life, we will speak prosperity, we will speak health, we will speak increase!
Take the limits off and let God be God!
Be Blessed
Relevant Praise Team